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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Looking for a hardy colorful tree? Consider the Desert Willow!

Large trees are beautiful and provide plenty of shade! However due to the size of yards and planting space..consider a smaller tree! The Desert Willow is airy and its foliage casts a light shade making the space around its base suitable for many other plants! This tree does well in the desert and does not need alot of water to survive. HARDY!!

Call us for more information on how to add this tree to your yard!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Symptoms that your tree is not feeling well!! Catch in time!

Step 2 of the checklist for your trees..examine trunk and
branches. Is the bark injured? This could be caused by mowers, animals or girding wire. Insect activity? Holes, chewing activity or tunnels? Has your tree been damaged by the elements? Hail, ice and wind can all cause damage. If you see this type of damage give us a... call. It is less expensive to treat atree than to remove a tree!

Check for any sticky wet substance oozing from the bark? This could be a sign of infection. Look for decay or hollowing of the truck. Fungal corks portruding? Do cross sections of twigs and look for brown or green streaks if you see this may indicate infection by vascular wilt fungus! Most of these can be cured if treated in time!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A quick checklist for your tree's leaves! Common health problems and what they look like

Things to look for on your trees leaves..holes or ragged edges, any type of brown spots, abnormally discolored (yello, light green, brown, black), Any spots or bumps? Have the leaves fallen off prematurely? Are the leaves deformed? Do you see insect or mites on the trees? If you see any of these signs call us, we ...can help. Do no wait until it spreads. Have a great Tuesday!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Fourth of July Safety Tips for at home fun!!

4th of July is coming up!! Nothing better than family time and fireworks! If you are celebrating at home..here are some safety tips to follow..
