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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dare to take care of your trees with the best! Nevada Tree Service!

Do not rely solely on pricing! Just like a cosmetic service gone wrong..if your trees are not taken care of properly they can suffer irreversible damage! That Nevada Tree Service is GOOD at what we do and that we have HAPPY customers who continue year after year to call us back. We can be trusted and do what we tell you we will do. Dare to take care of your trees with the best!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Butterfly Weed Flowers add beauty to your garden!!

Looking for some extra colorful flowers for your yard?? Try planting the popular Butterfly Weed. Now is the time for planting, and this hardy flower will bloom next summer and bring beautiful orange glorious foliage!! Asking only sun and plenty of it, Butterfly Weed laughs at heat and drought, survives winter unscathed, and is long-lived.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Have you seen this tree?? Needs help!

HELP!!! This tree really needs the services of Nevada Tree Service! What do you think?? Yikes...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Don't let your tree become infected!

Did you know that fungus and disease can be spread between trees/bushes. To many people (including landscapers and gardners) don't know that this can spread due to infected equipment. Make sure your equipment is properly sterilized. Don't let this happen!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One of the most common tree problems in Las Vegas!

Common tree problems in Las Vegas!

Another problem is improper trimming…Over trimming (such as Pines) and under trimming trees (such as mesquite and peppers). Once you cut a pine tree limb it will NEVER grow back. Trees such as mesquite and peppers grow extremely fast and need more extensive trimming! Keep you trees healthy and they will support you and sustain the earth!

(a healthy trimmed tree!)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Planning on storing your seeds for next year? How?

The change of seasons is right around the corner! Are you planning on maybe starting a garden next spring or you might have some spectacular flowers that you would like to pass on. How do you store seeds?

First of all make sure that they are stored in an airtight glass container. Baby jars, small cosmetic jars that seal airtight are great! You can even decorate them and give them away to your friends who garden. If you plan on storing the seeds long term make sure that the glass is truly airtight! Cut your own gaskets out of food wrap, discarded balloons or inner tubes. A gasket should fit like a doughnut over the jar rim, yet sized to allow the lid to seal itself properly without interfering with the threads.

Remember moisture of any type can produce mildew which will severely affect their viability! Good luck and happy gardening!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What is a root bound tree? Why should you avoid this?

What are some of the prominent problems with trees?

Trees that are root bound. Growers plant seedlings in buckets and the roots grow “round and round” in the bucket. The landscaper should work with these roots to get them to grow out…. However, a lot of landscapers just put them in the dirt the exact way they came out of the bucket….

Causing root bound trees. Root bound trees will fall over when they get larger because the root system isn’t strong enough to manage the weight of the tree and the strong Nevada winds.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fall Allergies?? This bad boy could be part of the problem! Tumbleweeds!

What Causes Fall Allergies? The good old....Weed pollen is the main cause of seasonal allergy in the late summer and early fall. Depending on the area of North America, these weeds include ragweed, sagebrush, pigweed, tumbleweed (Russian thistle) and cocklebur....In some areas of the world, some trees can pollinate in the fall as well.

Monday, September 6, 2010

One of the largest trees in the world! General Sherman!

Did you know One of the tallest soft wood trees is the General Sherman, a giant redwood sequoia of California.

General Sherman is about 275 ft or 84 m high with a girth of 25 ft or 8 m.!! Awesome!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Five tips on how to care for your trees!

Trees are beautiful and great! Without them we would be in trouble! 5 tips to care for your trees! Enough water, don’t turn the water down in the winter, regular & proper
trimming, and winter is a good time fertilize!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What you need to keep in mind for the upcoming weather change!

What is important to know about your trees with the upcoming weather

People tend to turn the water down too much in the winter thus, producing poor leaf quality in the summer. So, turn the water down a little but not too much!