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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Diseases in Trees? Transmittable? YES!!

There are many type of diseases that can affect your trees. However one of the most common afflictions is entirely preventable.

1. If a tree is pruned and has a certain type of fungus or parasite and the tools are not cleaned properly. Guess what?? Yes these diseases are transmittable. So even if the affected tree is hundreds of miles away or even blocks, if the same tools are used your trees and shrubbery can become infected.

And keep in mind that unlike going to your regular Doctor and receiving medication it is not so easy to cure trees once infected. The disease can stay in their systems for a long time and eventually kill them. Then you not only have a blight upon your landscape, this tree will have to be removed or your property can become damaged.

This is why it is very important to use a licensed bonded and knowledgeable consulting arborist. We will take the utmost care in protecting your trees!